Used Equipment

An Industrial Floor Sweeper Can Make Your Employees Safer at Work

If you own commercial space, then you will know how important health and safety is, both from a legal standpoint and a cost point of view. Having poor health and safety standards can have a big knock on effect in your business, such as higher sickness rates, work related injuries and low staff retention. By investing in quality industrial floor cleaning machines, you can make your workplace safer for your employees and reduce the costs involved with regular cleaning.

Make Your Employees Safer at Work

Trip Hazards

The accumulation of debris and trash on your floors will lead to an increase in potential tripping hazards for your staff. Without a proper plan in place to reduce debris buildup, you can find yourself liable for any injuries that your employees sustain if they fall or trip over it. While you can have people sweep the floors manually, it is a very time consuming task that would likely require a dedicated employee or more depending on the size of your workspace. This is not the most cost effective method. Investing in an industrial floor sweeper is a much more efficient solution. Using a floor sweeper will reduce the accumulation of debris and rubbish quickly, and will therefore reduce the potential dangers to your employees while saving your business time and money.

Back Related Health

One factor that many businesses fail to take into account when creating a cleaning routine is the potential for back related injuries that come from sweeping the floors manually. They occur due to the posture that you need to adopt to sweep floors. While you can focus on training your employees to use the correct posture and stance, this will come at a large cost to your business as training will take time and money. By using an industrial floor sweeper instead of handheld brooms and brushes, you can ensure that your employees are using the correct stance all the time. In turn this will decrease employee sick days and increase morale.

It might seem that investing in industrial floor cleaning machines is not worth the cost in the short term, but when you consider all factors, it actually yields a much better value. Increasing your employee’s safety will help improve morale which, in turn, will allow you to retain your best employees.


Back Pain At Work,

Long Term Advantages of Floor Sweepers,